Private Coaching

Jim offers private coaching sessions to those who would like an extra set of eyes on their website or business.  Coaching calls are done live over Zoom and can cover any topic you’d like. The purpose of a private coaching call is to get expert advice from Jim specifically tailored to YOUR site or business and how you can get the fastest results.  While anyone can purchase a coaching call, most people would get more out of their money by becoming a Up2Paar member and learning our strategies from the ground up.  Private coaching really only makes sense where you need consulting to tailor the general information to YOUR site, YOUR niche or YOUR Business.

What To Expect From These Calls

We take coaching calls pretty seriously.  We recognize this is an expensive service, and that people only buy it if they are in real need of getting some help for their online business.  We have personally purchased private coaching calls with other well-known gurus and have been VERY disappointed in the experience, so we are 100% committed to guaranteeing that NEVER happens at the Up2Paar Academy.  You can expect that we’ll be prompt, we will have done our research into your site BEFORE the call so we don’t waste any of your time, and we’ll have helpful and actionable information.

We don’t sugar coat things on private coaching calls.  If your site looks like it was made many moons ago or your business branding is poor, we’re gonna say so. If you’re afraid of taking massive action and trying to hide, we will call you out.  We will never be rude, but you’re paying for a premium service because you need to get results, and we’ll say what needs to be said to make sure you GET the results.


Standard Coaching Call
$ 499
  • Live conversation with Jim Paar
  • 45-minute video call via private Zoom
  • We can cover as many sites, issues, or whatever you want during the allotted time.
  • We’ll provide an in-depth review of any site or business you’d like us to look at.
  • Coaching call will be scheduled as soon as you and your coach are available.  Most coaching clients have urgent issues and we’ll do our best to meet with you ASAP.

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Premium Coaching Call
$ 899
  • Live conversation with your coach
  • Screen shares and strategies
  • 1-hour call via Zoom Video Conference
  • We can cover as many sites, issues, or whatever you want during the allotted time.
  • Develop real strategies to move forward.
  • We’ll provide an in-depth review of any business or website you’d like us to look at.
  • Coaching call will be scheduled as soon as you and your coach are available. Most coaching clients have urgent issues and we’ll do our best to meet with you ASAP.

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What Happens Next After I Book The Call?

You’ll immediately download a survey that you can fill out and send to us.  The survey simply asks for details about your business or website, about you, and the questions you have that you’d like us to answer for you.  If you don’t have specific questions but just want us to provide an in-depth site review, that’s perfectly fine.

After you fill out the survey (very short), survey is online through our scheduling system. In the survey, you’ll suggest times when you’re available for the call. We’ll respond to your email as soon as we can to confirm which of those times works for us and then we’ll be ready for the call.  We don’t like keeping people waiting, so we’ll do our best to schedule the call quickly.

What are these calls like?

Before your call, you’ll fill out a survey with information about you, your site, and what you’re wanting to learn from the coaching call. Jim and his team will read the information before the call and will be fully up to speed before the call.  We’ll start the coaching session by asking any follow-up questions we had from the information you submitted, and then dive into your questions.

Many of our private coaching clients don’t have any specific problems they are dealing with, but just really want an expert’s look at their business or website to give feedback on the content, the monetization, design, and all other aspects.  This is perfectly fine.  If you just want an in-depth website review, a private coaching call is a perfect place to get that done.